Friday, August 19, 2016


After Roland Emmerich’s long-gestating sequel blew up cinema screens in the summer, does this novelisation of the mediocre blockbuster go any way towards improving it?

The book starts off well, treating the events of 1996 not as an integral story that needed to be known in advance, but as backstory to the plot of this one, thus allowing it to exist as a standalone tale. The first part of the story gets a bit of expansion as minor characters are created from whose viewpoint the aliens’ advancement through the solar system is seen, giving a much-needed human perspective to the countless anonymous lives sacrificed in the film for the sake of a few minutes of CGI devastation.

However, any potential for narrative enhancement falls by the wayside once the action kicks off. The initially wide scope of the story increasingly narrows until only the core group of characters


from Horror and Sci Fi Magazines

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